Customer Platform

Offering a superior customer experience at no charge!

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Customer Platform

Empower your customers..

give access to view, track and manage their teams training and qualifications.

Giving you control

You have complete access control over which customers can and cannot access the customer platform, so you can grant / revoke access instantly at any time.

Secure Access from anywhere

Your customers can securely access the customer platform from any web enabled device using a standard web browser, no need to download any apps.

Attendance & Qualifications

Your customers can view and track learners qualifications, attendance registers, exam results, certificates and more.

Renewals & Gap Analysis

Your customers can track their qualification renewal reminders, training gap matrix and more.

Bookings & Finance

Your customers can make bookings, view & manage existing bookings, download and pay invoices and much more.

Share Files with Customers

Securely share files with your customers and learners such as certificates, PDF's, videos, audio files and much more.

GDPR & Data Protection Compliant

Genius Customer Platform was designed to be GDPR and data protection compliant from day 1.

Different Access Levels

Different views for corporate clients who manage their team and private learners who book training for themselves.

File sharing system

Share files with your customers & trainers

  • Upload any computer based file to Genius via the TMS to share with your customers via the Customer Platform such as learning materials, videos, maps, certificates and more.

  • Upload any computer based file to Genius via the TMS to share with your trainers via the Trainer Platform such as attendance registers, schedules, learning materials, contracts and more.